About this Work
About this Work

About this Work

This work is grounded in our ((evolving)) truths.

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In short, we look to the cosmos for healing.

Healing is not an individual concern, nor a singular process.
Familial, community, collective, and generational healing is a lifelong lifestyle,
requiring an ever-shifting balance of hope, discipline, surrender, acceptance, love,
and, we believe, a reverence for our planet and all its beings, our solar system, and the celestial bodies who share it with us.
As such, we offer astrological guidance for our community members and their communities too
we do this through private, personalized chart consultations and consistent counseling for individuals/pairs, as well as seasonal sessions for groups.
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we are nonbinary Blackwomen, acknowledging how womanhood was constructed in opposition to our very beings and rejecting the gender binary and it’s violent roots and enforcement,
we are descendants of the transatlantic slave trade, cultivating a connection to our ancestors and making room for them in our lives
our practice is rooted primarily in this expansive experience,
and our hope is to connect with Black people, our kin, about honoring, finding joy in, our soulhood, our hearts, our natal promises.
it’s so hard to learn anything true when yt supremacist thought sets its claws into most all accessible knowledge, but
we hope to be an exception, we hope to help guide you to yourself, your inner knowing, your cosmic fingerprint
so that you may bring it forward, heal through it, and luxuriate in it
(and don’t worry non-Black people, we know how to help you with this too)
for more on us, check out our Meet the Fam page <3
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Reciprocity + Reparations

in this house, we are not capitalists; we refuse to hoard wealth; we refuse the exploitation of our labor; we refuse being cogs of [racial] capitalism; we refuse the 40-hour workweek and conventional labor, and these refusals have brought us here in the pursuit of liberation from these plagues.
All of our offerings are on a sliiiiding scale
to account for the vast wealth disparity within this evil economic system
and the continued woes of racial capitalism
so if you value the offerings we’re providing,
and you value the work we are doing, 
and you value the importance of redistributing wealth
show us !
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We request that non-Black people keep in mind that we are Black People and deserve to be paid ten times over for existing
paying at the high end of/surpassing the sliding scale for readings and community groups is welcome and appreciated,
from those with the means to do so,
any financial generosity makes up for the free, low-cost, and bartered readings we happily provide.

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