About this Work
About this Work

About this Work

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Healing comes when the individual remembers their identity, the purpose chosen in the world of ancestral wisdom, and reconnects with the world of Spirit.
- Malidoma Patrice Somé in The Healing Wisdom of Africa
clinical therapy can be isolating and dissatisfying, especially for Black people, and inaccessible for low/no-income folks and those without insurance. Safe and accessible community building is also often difficult these days, especially for our disabled and chronically ill fam, a growing population as the covid-19 virus continues to affect bodies in a variety of ways. Both clinical therapy and community building are nearly impossible for those of us who hold these identities as well as being nomadic, displaced and/or unhoused. The pandemic, along with climate catastrophes, multiple genocides, inflation, and a universal concern of collective collapse has had a profound effect on us all, whether we engage with those effects consciously or not.

we look to the cosmos for healing

we are cultivating Cosmic Healing with the shared belief that, as earthbound beings, we are children of the solar system, made up of the cosmic, organic matter that makes up this life-bearing planet.
as the planets reflect that nothing under the light of the sun is an individual concern, nor a singular process.
relational, familial, communal, collective, intergenerational, spiritual healing
is a lifelong lifestyle, requiring an ever-shifting balance of hope, discipline, surrender, acceptance, love,
and a reverence for our planet and her children—the beings, spirits, and energies who share it with us.
we believe that there is wisdom in the stars—this planet collects and reflects the energy of others in the solar system, and we place ourselves in an age-old lineage of bearing witness to and drawing on this collective wisdom for holistic understanding.
we use this wisdom to seek a holistic understanding of our multi-faceted existence and to bolster our healing processes—from the wounds we inflict upon one another, the outright violence we face, and the harmful conditioning we’re subject to under the systems of oppression that presently dominate the collective consciousness.
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we offer astrological translation, grounding, and guidance rooted in these core values

through personalized astrological consultations, practical peer support, astro counseling for individuals/pairs as a spiritual alternative to clinical therapy, workshops for deeper understandings of our practice, consistent community spaces, and seasonal sessions bringing together disparate folks in our community around a shared value and/or astrological transit

🌊 community

community, to us, is our most potent site of rebellion. it’s cultivating intentional webs of care & interdependence that mirror the interdependence of all life on earth. it’s honoring the responsibility we have to each other and valuing the messy work of relationship building. (click to read more)
cosmic healing is primarily virtual, given the ongoing pandemic and the importance of making space for disabled folks (and those who love us!) and movement workers across the globe to find one another. we love to connect the people who find us with others who walk similar paths, hold shared values or interests, and who can learn from each other.
we are rooted in cross-movement solidarity, reciprocity, and redistribution. we are committed to centering the needs of the most marginalized and never harboring abusers in our spaces.
we wanted to work with our communities, because we believe in holistic mutual aid. we want to provide our offerings to folks who see the value the work we are doing. our communities span across various socio-economic backgrounds, and we build with folks who are grateful for opportunities to be accountable for/to others and understand the importance of redistributing wealth, so that we can all be fed, sheltered, and free of the fear that keeps us from dreaming, connecting, and building a new world together.

🦋 liberation

we are cultivating cosmic healing as a model of service that is not beholden to capitalism, hierarchies, white supremacist values, and is unabashedly committed to decolonization. (click to read more)
we see collective healing as a primary avenue towards collective liberation, and hold spaces for our community to imagine societies free of oppression, oligarchy + fascism, carceral police states, and the destructive conditioning we carry. we are abolitionists.
our vision of liberation involves dedicated systems of radical care: living in loving relationship with the earth + her beings, sharing + conserving resources, and holistic divestment when/wherever possible.
our liberation is access-oriented. we prioritize combatting internalized ableism + systemic eugenics in our communities. we believe in folks’ agency when it comes to living and dying, self-determination, and gender expression. we strive towards sovereign lands and an end to border imperialism.
we see liberation as a spiritual mission of reconnecting with the rest of the planet(s).
revolutionary astrology is a way of interpreting the planets for de-conditioining, re-indiginization, meaning making, and non-hierarchical connection. We encourage listening into the planet’s cycles and rhythms and aligning with them as best we can, as a cosmic and divine alternative to the limited linearity offered by white supremacist thought.

🌑 rest

rest is an honoring of our refusal to participate in the death cult of capitalism. rest and refusal are resistance for those of us who have always been forced to be the slaves of this colonial world—the state of not being of use is an opportunity for existential, transgenerational peace. (click to read more)
rest, for anyone, when taken with de-colonial intent, with an anti-capitalist mission of detaching from ableist views, is a powerful force. prioritizing rest is prioritizing well-being at its core: physically, somatically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. when grounded in rest, we can develop radical paradigms that center our bodies’ needs and the needs of the land we live on.
rest is a moment for ourselves: to listen into our bodies to realize our inherent value as beings to divest from the profit + productivity machine to understand the minute magic + abundance in the mundane
we refuse the exploitation of our labor; we refuse being cogs of [racial] capitalism; we refuse the 40-hour workweek and conventional labor, and these refusals have brought us here in the pursuit of liberation from these plagues.
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🤸🏾‍♀️ joy

as proud descendants of the African diaspora, we see the honoring + prioritizing the maintenance of joy as ancestral veneration. across oceans and generations, unable to be shaken through displacement, enslavement, subjugation, nor torture, our joy is a testament to the possibility of a better world, and will help sustain our fight to get there. (click to read more)
joy is a reflection of the natural abundance we have access to—cultivating joy outside of ignorance, consumerism, and exploitation matters deeply to us.
alice walker once wrote: “resistance is the secret to joy,” and the joy we foster mingles with our rage as we resist complicity in systems of domination.

🌳 integrity

integrity, for us, means transparency, honest + direct communication, and authenticity, so that we may all build trust and make informed decisions, as we strive for holistic understanding through collective meaning making. (click to read more)
we cultivated this practice to ensure that we are beholden to no one who would enable or require us to abandon our values.
we commit to centering our values in times of conflict and confrontation. we appreciate accountability as a testament to our agency and evolution. we are accountable to ourselves, our multiply marginalized communities, and to the earth, as needs + harms arise.
we ground in integrity when deducing the valuation of our services + offerings, and we expect those who engage with us to do so as well. we are not capitalists; we refuse to hoard wealth. all of our offerings are on a sliding scale to account for the vast wealth disparity within this evil economic system, and the continued woes of racial capitalism.
Cosmic Healing is here to support people through whatever stage of integration they are in, and we are grateful that those who share our most fundamental values of rest, integrity, liberation, joy, and community have been drawn to work with us. We offer our alternative method of healing for these reasons.

support our work!

We are anti-capitalist and are not neva looking to hoard wealth or just grow for the sake of it. As a community practice, we seek to be funded by our community for the services we offer.
We appreciate donations to supplement the free and low-cost astrological counseling we provide to Black and Indigenous communities <3
cuz y'all! we are putting our all into this practice and we want to help our people! we would love to sustain our mission, and meeting our most basic material needs under these violent structures of capitalism of the utmost importance. you can’t exactly heal, yourself or others, without food and shelter 😩
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You can support us through the platforms below please use emojis or “thx CH” as the memo:
Zelle: cosmichealingfam@protonmail.com
PayPal: cosmichealingfam@protonmail.com
Venmo: @ericafullajoy
Cashapp: $ericafullajoy
all donations are divided equally between us, or go towards funding the infrastructure of CH, regardless of account :)

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